Dating back to their primordial origins in the infamous Homebrew Computer Club of mid-late 70's Silicon Valley, the Digital Valentine's Day Graphics Gatherings have established one of the longest records in inventive culture -- as of 2014, we're at 34 years & still going strong. Over the years, the Gathering has morphed without losing its soul, and has broadened to encompass Creativity in every medium, in every context. Yep, pre-historic by the standards of the blogosphere, or even by web standards.... But there are some fossils to be found by persistent digital archeologists.... Check out this Usenet post about our 14th Annual Gathering of the eCOcre8ive Community that we did in Maui in 1994 Or this Usenet post about our 8th Annual Digital Valentines Day Graphics Gathering, Santa Cruz, 1988 (Of special interest to Graphics Geeks.)
click here
and scroll down until you see
Or go back even further, back to when the Graphics Gatherings were monthly.... UCSC, August 1983 ... at the dawn of Bay Area newsgroup culture on Usenet And read the 1980 and 1981 sections of this (Of special interest to any & all Artists.) Then, dive into antique pixels. 2003's Gathering was near Washington DC. Before that, the Gathering had never before been east of California in the US -- but had been in California, Hawaii, and several overseas countries: Thailand, Israel, Singapore, Australia. World-renowned Open-Source advocate Eric Raymond & award-winning ecological documentary producer Chris Zelov made it down from Pennsylvania, joining Peter Swire ("Privacy Czar" in the Clinton Admin) and Gathering founder Howard Pearlmutter for an incredibly provocative and interesting panel discussion that highlighted the 2003 inter-tribal shindig. |